Renting Homes in Colorado Springs – Advice for Renters

Colorado Springs is one of the best places to live in the country for a variety of reasons. So, it’s no wonder you have decided to be one of the many people who move there each year. If you have decided against purchasing one of the beautiful Colorado Springs homes for fear of the real estate market then you are not alone. Even though Colorado Springs has done much better than some other areas of the country, it still leaves a lot to be worried about. Especially if you may not end up living there long enough to reap the rewards of future appreciation in home values. In that case, renting is an option that offers the freedom of not being tied down to a mortgage.

Colorado Springs has homes to suit a range of tastes. There are apartments, single family homes, condominiums, town houses and even farms. In any case, you should know what to expect from a legal stand point when going through a rental agreement.

A Colorado home rental agreement is pretty much standard. However, as the tenant, you have to ensure that there are particular areas adequately covered in the rental agreement. Issues such as term of lease, rental amount as well as the mode and schedule of payment, responsibilities as it relates to the payments of utility, repair responsibilities and maintenance costs, pets, contractual responsibilities of tenant and landlord and the subtenant policy.

Keen attention should be made to the section of the agreement detailing the security deposit. Colorado state law does not specify a lower or upper limit so keep this in mind in order not to get scammed. Additionally, the deposit can be used by the landlord specifically for cleaning and repairs resulting from damages made by the inhabitants, separate and apart from regular wear and tear. The law stipulates that the landlord has to return a portion or the whole deposit within a thirty day period following the end of the lease agreement. If you have any questions relating to any areas of the contract, do not hesitate to seek advice from a local real estate lawyer.

One area of the Colorado rental law that is very specific is the matter regarding peaceful property enjoyment. It states that the landlord is prohibited from entering the property without given permission from the tenant while the lease is still in effect. The two exceptions are if the landlord has emergency repairs to be made or if the landlord is put in the position where he/she has to demand rent.

Another key area to note is the eviction law. Eviction is only possible for three reasons including termination of the lease agreement, nonpayment of rent and breach of contract on the part of the tenant. The landlord is obligated to get a court order for eviction without which, he is not able to coerce the tenant to leave. The landlord is also legally required to give the tenant written notice advising them about the filing of the eviction case. The notice enables both parties the opportunity to resolve any issues or for the tenant to make preparations for leaving.

Understanding Colorado Springs homes rental law is crucial if you want to avoid scams and make the most out of your tenancy. It’s in your best interest to do some research before and after signing a lease.

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